It's a surprisingly warm night in late October. I've taken a break from memorizing lines for Wednesday's DVD shoot, and I'm feeling that general malaise that comes from too much time wasting, and not enough time running, walking, or picking up heavy things.
I'm not making any videos right now. But I am: writing, taking an excellent scene study class, rehearsing for a production of Pinter's Celebration, preparing for a shoot where I'll be playing a broad, cartoonish version of the depressive shlep best known as Eeyore, and sometimes I actually get out to do something fun.
This past weekend I saw Metropolis in its restored 160-minute glory, with a version of the original score, and the somewhat nonsensical but thoroughly creepy John Carpenter version of The Thing. Everyone knows that John Campbell wrote the original, and lots of people know that Howard Hawks, in his version The Thing from Another World (1951), introduced overlapping dialog for the first time in the movies. But I hadn't seen any version before (not Alien, not Invasion of the Body Snatchers) and the Carpenter film creeped me out but good.
I've been consuming too much and producing too little. Sure, with all of the acting I've been doing, I've got a creative outlet, and I'm starting to write again, but even in trying to put words together in this little Blogger box, I'm finding a mush in my brain where once spun tightly-coupled gears and well-oiled cams.
Nothing else to report right now. Aside from the thousand-plus wedding photos I have to sort. A burden, but a happy one. If anyone ever tells you that Kinston, NC, is a rocking town, they're lying. But if they claim good pulled pork and some excellent craft beers, listen closely, because they know what's what. And if anyone ever proposes to have a rehearsal dinner at a Golden Corral with a corn maze, hay ride, and haunted forest after; if the next night, they hold their wedding (and ensuing dinner) at the tasting room of a brewery, and provide everyone with a shuttle to and from the night's festivities...well, it might be a good time.