Saturday, March 17, 2007

Overstaying my welcome.

We got pelted with tiny daggers of ice yesterday. Snow fell from a great height, melted on the way down, and then re-froze. I took the subway several times on my round of errands. Each time I emerged from a station, I thought snow had given way to rain because those sharp little crystals sounded just like rain.

I'm struggling to finish the Ample Catnap 10 Films DVD.  It's the outtakes, which should be long enough to be amusing, but not overstay their welcome.  Without the hard deadline of releasing a film each week, I've allowed myself to linger over the edit, imagining that by taking longer, I'll make a more perfect cut.

Actually, it's kind of boring.

When bored, we have three options, right?  We can
  1. accept the boredom, and try to live with it,
  2. abandon what bores us, and try something else, or
  3. raise the stakes.
I think most of us choose some combination of the three.  And the third one is the hardest to faithfully execute.

My answer has been to set tiny artificial deadlines.  I'll make a list of edits, and complete them in a half an hour.  Then I'll walk away for a day or two, watch it again, and make another list of edits.

Today is St. Patrick's Day.  Over sized green hats abound.  I wish I'd had my camera with me, but I had left it sitting on top of the computer, having uploaded yesterday's pictures of the storm.

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